Monday 31 August

1st Impressions
My brother has just called to say that he has fallen in love with a farm that he has seen for sale.
After 2 minutes of being there, he has already mentally moved in, bought the wellies and worked out how he can raise the half million he’ll need to live The Good Life. And this from a man who took longer to choose which kind of pasty to have, on our recent trip to Cornwall.
It never ceases to amaze me how quickly we decide to spend hundreds of thousands of pounds on a home. You just know, don’t you? Except sometimes, you don’t.
First impressions aren’t always right but the brain is very good at deleting the things you don’t want to see; like the dry rot, the fact that none of your furniture will fit or the crack den next door.
The same applies when choosing people. For jobs, I mean.
Many managers I have spoken to recruit based on gut feeling or first impressions and then are later disappointed that the people they have chosen don’t meet their expectations. more…
Posted by admin,
31st August 2010, 6:47pm
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Category: Weekly Diary
Monday 24 August
It was going to be so beautiful.
I had lured my friends from London and Bath, with promises of the Bournemouth Air Festival, Red Arrows, poignant moments on the beach in silent salute of the Battle of Britain Memorial flight, wing-walkers, parachutists, sky lanterns, fireworks, beach BBQ, cocktails and neon frisbees.
You’d think in mid August, you wouldn’t have to worry about the weather, but no. It poured down. No planes. No fireworks. No Air Festival.
I feel really sorry for the people that organise the festival. It is usually spectacular. Maybe next year.
In the meantime, what to do? Top tips for an impromptu indoor beach barbecue: more…
Posted by admin,
24th August 2010, 6:34pm
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Category: Weekly Diary
Monday 16 August
If your business isn’t doing as well as you’d like, you might want to consider employing my niece, Emily.
The only problem is, you’ll have to wait a while because she’s only nine.
On a recent family holiday (30 of us invaded Cornwall for a week), Em decided that an open-air talent show was in order. And once Em decides something is going to happen, you’d better not get in her way.
First she drew up the accounts, listing the cost of everything she would need in order to determine how much to charge the punters and still make a profit. (When she grows up, she wants to be Sir Alan Sugar).
Then she auditioned to select her acts before producing the tickets which she sold to remaining family members; shrewdly negotiating with the less than enthusiastic by offering a ‘Forces Discount’ to her soldier dad and an ‘OAP discount’ to her great-granddad on the basis that he was, well…really old.
She then recruited and selected her staff; I was to be in charge of hair and make-up while others were given jobs as stage crew, judges, catering etc. (Salaries accounted for).
Next, she cornered me to take her to a supermarket, where she bought huge bags of popcorn, which she then decanted into paper cups to sell at 50p a go in the interval.
Posted by admin,
16th August 2010, 9:15am
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Category: Weekly Diary
Posted by admin,
9th August 2010, 8:52am
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Category: Weekly Diary
Monday 2 August
Influencing Skills
Gavin and I have recently been recruiting for client companies, which has caused us to review a number of CVs.
I’m not a big fan of CVs as they rarely tell you anything about the true essence of a person but they can be very funny.
- Like the one where a guy listed his hobbies as rugby, lap dancing clubs and nights out with the lads and his only qualification as CSE Grade 2 Needlework…
- Or the one where a lady said in her profile that she was a ‘morning person’ and when asked about this at interview said that by the afternoon she was generally too tired to concentrate… more…
Posted by admin,
2nd August 2010, 8:44am
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Category: Weekly Diary